Work in progress — please contribute!
Assessing Learning Resources
- Framework for Evaluating the Quality of Multimedia Learning Resources
- A Model for Developing Multimedia Learning Projects Frey,B; Sutton, J. (2010)
- UBC's Design Principles for Multimedia. An overview of Mayer's principles (and Muller's research findings) for effective multimedia design within a practical framework.
- What Makes An Instructional Video Compelling?: Educause Review - 2014 Interesting piece looking at factors such as relationship to course content and conversational language as contributors to compelling viewing among students.
- Carnegie-Mellon's Principles of Learning.
- Basic principles that underlie effective learning - distilled from research across a variety of disciplines.
- Learning Object Review Instrument - User Manual
- Developing Multimedia for Learning
- Richard Mayer - Professor of Psychology- University of California and researcher in cognitive sciences and multimedia. His presentation slides for a Summer Instructional Development Institute 2013. Offers research based principles to guide the development of a multimedia project and some interesting examples and models to consider.
Assessing Student Contributions
- Assessing What You Contribute Rather Than What You Collect. Stephen Downes (2012).
- Purdue's Instructors' Guide to Media Activities. Considerations for incorporating student created media projects in the classroom.
Questions to ask yourself:
- How am I assessing the impact of my resource on learning?
- How am I assessing student multimedia projects?