Learn it

Video Tutorials

Software and Production

  • Lynda.com is a hosts a video library of courses that provide training in a wide variety of technology-related areas. Of specific interest to DIYers might be the education technology, photography, and video sections. UBC staff and faculty can get access to lynda.com at no charge. Instructions for creating a brand new account can be found here, and instructions for migrating an old account from the pilot can be found here. *Camtasia for PC and Camtasia for mac: Using Camtasia and need some training? These short (2-5 min) videos offer excellent training support for beginners to advanced users.

Here are a few useful links if you're looking at microphones.

  • The DIY Media website has a page on microphone suggestions, going over the various types of microphones available.
  • Choosing Microphones is a 4-minute video from lynda.com which has some helpful tips for deciding what kind of microphone will best suit your needs.
  • Wistia's Learning Centre demonstrates the quality of sound achieved with different mics in this 4.5 minute video.

Once you have selected a host for your video, you may be thinking about where you want to embed it. Embedding video allows you to bring it from your host platform into a space where you might develop additional context for it or activity related to it to support learning. Here are some instructions for embedding video:

You must abide by copyright, for license, consent, waiver forms. For guidelines check out the UBC Copyright site. Fore questions or more inofmration contact UBC Rights & Permissions service.

Video/Multimedia Assignments: UBC Examples

  • Psyc 208: Catherine Rawn hosts a creative advertisement showcase – where students create (video or other) resources to advertise their insight into a learning challenge they have researched throughout the term. Her blog post on the topic links to the full assignment description and samples of the students' work.
  • Land and Food Systems 250: Hannah Wittman/Will Valley: Students develop "streeter" style videos to present varied viewpoints or perspectives on particular issues: some examples.

In addition, students produce video content for:

Camtasia is available for students at UBC, they can access it through Connect. Here is a link to the toolkit from the DIY Media website.

source: https://wiki.ubc.ca/Documentation:Learn_It_-_Video