Video Tutorials
Software and Production
- is a hosts a video library of courses that provide training in a wide variety of technology-related areas. Of specific interest to DIYers might be the education technology, photography, and video sections. UBC staff and faculty can get access to at no charge. Instructions for creating a brand new account can be found here, and instructions for migrating an old account from the pilot can be found here. *Camtasia for PC and Camtasia for mac: Using Camtasia and need some training? These short (2-5 min) videos offer excellent training support for beginners to advanced users.
- Check out Wistia's Learning Center and their series of videos on Video Production and Video Strategy & Concepting. Here are several highlights from Wistia:
- DIY Office Video - how to adapt your own office space to shoot videos.
- Shooting for the Edit Tips
- How to shoot a video on your iphone
- Fundamentals of Concepting
- Camtasia. UBC offers free licenses for Camtasia and Snagit (screen capture software). Instructions for access are in the Using Camtasia Toolkit. Techsmith hosts tutorials for Camtasia Studio on Windows or Camtasia 2 on Mac.
- VideoScribe. A tool for creating hand drawn animations. UBC offers a license for use via Connect. See instructions for access here. VideoScribe also has a set of tutorials to help you get started.
- Windows Movie Maker (PC) - Basic video making software; free download for Windows
- iMovie (Mac) - Basic video making software. Penn State's Media Commons iMovie Tutorials.
- FinalCut Pro - Recommended for intermediate to complex video production. Penn State's Final Cut Pro Tutorials.
- Adobe Premiere CC and Adobe Premiere - Recommended for intermediate to complex video production.
- Audacity (Mac, PC) - Tutorial is great for enhancing your audio files.
- 6 tips to how to shoot a quality DIY Video includes recommendation for good lighting equipment, microphone, and webcam.
- Overview of video lighting techniques
- 7 strategies to shoot in low light
- Down and Dirty Lighting Kit
- DIY: Make Your Own Basic Lighting Kit at Home Youtube Video
- For product reviews (microphone, camera, etc) try: the Wirecutter.
- Dr. Rosie Redfield's basic DIY studio set up for screencasting.
Here are a few useful links if you're looking at microphones.
- The DIY Media website has a page on microphone suggestions, going over the various types of microphones available.
- Choosing Microphones is a 4-minute video from which has some helpful tips for deciding what kind of microphone will best suit your needs.
- Wistia's Learning Centre demonstrates the quality of sound achieved with different mics in this 4.5 minute video.
- Wistia's Learning Centre: Video Production: informative, short videos to support DIY video production.
- Camtasia for PC and Camtasia for mac: Using Camtasia and need some training? These short (2-5 min) videos offer excellent training support for beginners to advanced.
- How to Shoot a Good iphone video - Part of a great series from the iphoneographers. They also cover editing and app reviews for iphone moviemaking.
- Penn State's Video Production Tips
- Video Techniques from kdmcBerkely (School of Journalism) for more depth and detail.
- YouTube Tutorial Videos Video to help you with all phases of production.
- Indy Mogul's YouTube Channel Great Resource for DIY Video support for things like lighting, special effects.
- Kaltura: how to upload video files to Kaltura in Canvas
- YouTube: how to upload your video files to YouTube.
- UBC iTunes U
Once you have selected a host for your video, you may be thinking about where you want to embed it. Embedding video allows you to bring it from your host platform into a space where you might develop additional context for it or activity related to it to support learning. Here are some instructions for embedding video:
- on UBCWiki
- on UBC's Content Management System (Embedding Video)
- on UBC's Learning Management System (Connect) Embedding media files
- on UBC Blogs (Embedding Video)
You must abide by copyright, for license, consent, waiver forms. For guidelines check out the UBC Copyright site. Fore questions or more inofmration contact UBC Rights & Permissions service.
- Purdue's Instructors' Guide to Media Activities. Considerations for incorporating student created media projects in the classroom.
- Duke's CIT: Best Practices for Video Assignments.
- Find OER: Open Professionals Education Network.
- Finding and using Creative Commons materials: UBC's guide to Creative Commons.
- UBC Image Sources Guide: crediting image sources.
Video/Multimedia Assignments: UBC Examples
- Psyc 208: Catherine Rawn hosts a creative advertisement showcase – where students create (video or other) resources to advertise their insight into a learning challenge they have researched throughout the term. Her blog post on the topic links to the full assignment description and samples of the students' work.
- Land and Food Systems 250: Hannah Wittman/Will Valley: Students develop "streeter" style videos to present varied viewpoints or perspectives on particular issues: some examples.
- Phys. 101: Simon Bates discusses student created content that has made its way into the curriculum – to form part of the course: Here are some examples of student created content for hist course.
In addition, students produce video content for:
- the Learning Commons
- Digital Tattoo project: (a resource to help students understand and manage their evolving digital identities).
Camtasia is available for students at UBC, they can access it through Connect. Here is a link to the toolkit from the DIY Media website.