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Various departments have equipment for loan to faculty and students.

Arrow-33-48.pngFor Faculty

Chapman Learning Commons

Equipment icon.png Equipment:
UBC faculty can borrow these basic video/screencast recording equipment from the Learning Commons including Camcorders and tripods, headphones, and laptops.
Contact icon.png Contact:
To book equipment bring your student card to the Chapman Learning Commons Helps Desk on the 3rd floor of IKBLC.


Equipment icon.png Studio Rental Space and Equipment:
Studio rentals, One button studio and DIY media support
Contact icon.png Contact & Support:
Contact the AV Help Desk


Equipment icon.png Equipment:
Wide range of equipment from Arts ISIT from wireless microphone, still camera, video camera, to digital audio recorder.
Contact icon.png Contact & Support:
The Arts Helpdesk can arrange for access, demos and equipment setup.

Land & Food System

Equipment icon.png Equipment:
Variety of camcorders, cameras, and audio equipment for faculty. There is also a lab devoted to media creation, with lots of specialized software. Find out how to book and what types of equipment is available on the LFS Learning Centre Equipment page.
Contact icon.png Contact & Support:
Ducan McHugh the LFS Learning Centre Multimedia Developer.


Equipment icon.png Equipment:
2 ipad "kits" to support Flexible Learning projects in the Faculty of Science.
Contact icon.png Contact:
Gillian Gerhard

MAGIC - Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre

Equipment icon.png Equipment:
Associates of MAGIC and their students may use facilities and equipment avialable including high-end video edit suit, hemisphere dome dispaly area, video projector, video records, and video cameras.
Contact icon.png Contact & Support:
For more informaiton check out their Facilities and Equipment page and contact them by calling their office at 604-822-8990.

Arrow-33-48.pngFor Students

Chapman Learning Commons

Equipment icon.png Equipment:
UBC students can borrow these basic video/screencast recording equipment from the Learning Commons including Camcorders and tripods, headphones, and laptops.
Contact icon.png Contact:
To book equipment bring your student card to the Chapman Learning Commons Helps Desk on the 3rd floor of IKBLC.

Canaccord Learning Commons

Equipment icon.png Equipment:
Resources from the Digital Media Lab are for Sauder undergraduates and gradute students only. Equipment available includes four Apple Mac workstations, high fidelity microphones and soundproof room for sound reocrding, Bamboo tablet for writing capture, iMove, Final Cut X and screen capture software. There are also one-on-one help from expert film students available during their Expert Support hours.
Contact icon.png Contact & Support:
For more information and how to book take a look at the Digital Media lab page.

Art History + Visual Art + Theory

Equipment icon.png Equipment:
3rd and 4th year photography and video production students can use the Digital Lab in the BC Binning building along with access to: 9 Apple MacPro and iMac workstations installed with Final Cut Pro Studio and Adobe Design Premium suites (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Dreamweaver, Flash etc). This facility is complete with a scanning workstation and a photographic quality large-format inkjet printer where students can order prints for their assignments on a cost recovery basis.
Contact icon.png Contact:
For more information contact photo/digital technician contact: Rob Bos.

Land & Food System

Equipment icon.png Equipment:
Variety of camcorders, cameras, and audio equipment available for LFS students. Find out how to book and what types of equipment is available on the LFS Learning Centre Equipment page. There is also a lab devoted to media creation, with lots of specialized software.
Contact icon.png Contact & Support:
Ducan McHugh the LFS Learning Centre Multimedia Developer.


Equipment icon.png Equipment:
Video cameras and AV equipment are available for loan at the Educaitonal Technology Lab.
Contact icon.png Contact:
Contact/Support: to book an equipment contact Ms Chip Scott or call 604-822-7508.
Software/Platforms UBC Supported Freely Available
  • Youtube
  • iTunes
  • the web

IKBLC Digital Media Commons

Includes four high-tech, acoustically buffered multimedia rooms and carrels that house Mac multimedia workstations and various types of listening equipment. open to students and faculty members.
There are faculty advanced booking request forms that exempt faculty from the 1 week in advance booking guideline.

UBC Digital Media Technologies

Offers studio facilities for faculty and support staff including professional sound and zero-interruption recording space with green-screen backgrounds and industry-standard lighting conditions. A NEW one button studio is also available to make video production a little easier.

Applied Sciences

The Centre for Instructional Support in Applied Sciences has created a DIY studio. Their studio, currently located at CEME 2205C, is free to use by UBC Faculty. In the studio you’ll find equipment such as cameras, lights, speakers as well as a green screen allowing you to produce high quality videos for your students.

Book the studio.